About Me Welcome to my online
journal about me and my life in general.
COOK (kook), CHRISTIAN EDWARD. prpr n. Born 1992. 1. Maleus preteenus. 2. Bigus brainus 3.Smartus alekus. 4. Clever, inventive, smart, loving, handsome, funny, helpful and talented.
That is the definition of a Christian Cook now a little about the boy that is Christian Cook .
Christian was born in Pensacola, Florida on September 2, 1992 at 11:11 pm. (9/2/92 which = 11:11). Note the late delivery time (my water broke at 3 am), this just gives a preview of things to come. Christian does things on his own schedule. He said his first word at 5 months, walked at 10 months and did not follow any of the charts in the baby books; definitely a unique child.
I knew Christian was “different” (in a good way) by the time he was 14 months old. He already knew his alphabet and could identify cars by manufacturer. He never ceased to amaze people that met him (and me); and so went his toddler years.
Time arrived for Christian to attend kindergarten. Seeing as how his birthday falls on the 2nd of September the powers that be (school board) would not allow him to start school. Undaunted we enrolled him in private school (they were happy to take him). Christian excelled and tested off the charts. His kindergarten teacher pulled me aside one day and said, “she had to be wary of what she said in front of Christian.” I inquired as to why?? She said, “he understands sarcasm” to which I replied “REALLY? hmmmm wonder where he gets that?” Reading and writing came easy to Christian he mastered both by the middle of kindergarten ( he was published in 4th grade). Christian also discovered he had a talent to make people laugh….a smart class clown….we knew our work was cut out for us. From 1st – 5th grade Christian was in advanced curriculum classes at he private school and he shown.
Sixth grade rolled around and the decision was made to move Christian to public school. To be enrolled in advanced curriculum he had to be tested and again Christian shown and was placed in advanced classes. WOW, what a chaotic difference he was not to sure about the change. But, the new opportunities were amazing. Christian joined the band and as I suspected (this is a child that can hear a song once maybe twice and know the lyrics and the melody) he can play by ear, which is not necessarily a good thing (he balks at practicing). He also joined Math Counts and Knowledge Masters.
Now, all this sounds like Christian is just a smart perfect child …well, there is another side….it’s that doing things in his own time thing that often rears its ugly head. Christian hates to do homework, complains about music practice and keeps his room like a...well…um…it is just indescribable. He would rather read than play ball, use the gameboy instead of being outside and aggravate his little brother more than all of the above. We love him anyway.
Christian tends to be a tad goofy and a little on the odd side and he thinks people don’t like him for this, so we let him know that one true friend is better than lots of “sorta” friends. (easy for mom dad to say). I think Christian is a delight and sometimes I just think his humor is above most people’s heads. His quick wit even surprises me. In a room full of adults Christian is at ease (he was an only child for 8 years) but in a room full of peers he is awkward and ill at ease. I know as time adds candles to Christian’s birthday cakes he will find the orchestra where the beat of his own drum will fit the music. Until then we will be here to guide him and love him and ease the hurts he will encounter.
Christian Cook is Christian Cook one of a kind.
Posted by blogmuse at
10:23 AM
