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Sometime last week I noticed a lizard in my laundry/pantry/entrance to my bathroom area. No big deal we have geckos in the house periodically. This was a regualr lizard and kinda big but it scamperd off and I was not too concerned. .....Flash forward to Tuesday... I am home sick. I was heading to my bathroom and what do you suppose I see in the middle of the art room floor??? The BIGGEST lizard this side of captivity I have ever seen. He was HUGE, black and creepy. He took off and ssssslithered under my bookcase. (ick ick ick) I am freaked out now; so I did what every self respecting woman would do....I called SC. (what did you think I did... go after it myself....did you miss the part where I said it was HUGE). Being the loving wonderful man that he is said "what do you want me to do about it?" I said, "come home and get it." he said, 'No" OK so he was in Panama City (80 miles away) but that was not a good enough reason. This thing was HUGE. We are talking Komodo Dragon HUGE, Iguanadon HUGE. I am sure most of you think I am exaggerating......I AM NOT. I was a wreck the rest of the afternoon. I had to creep to the bathroom certain that he was lying in wait.
SC finally arrived home around 6 and I insisted he go and find the iguanadon...he looked (I don't believe him) and could not find him. I hoped he had just left and I would not see him again...(HAHAHAHA). SC is a good guy and tried to make me feel better so he proceeded to tell me a story about this lizard. He said he figured it was an enforcer lizard and he was there to keep the other geckos in line....thus he became known as The Iguana "Don".
I was pondering why the lizards would be in the house in the first place. Then I realized that my art room has stenciled lizards on the wall, I have several colorful lizard sculptures and a collection of lizard pins. ( OK I like them, but only inanimate or outside). They must think this is lizard mecca...GREAT. I was recounting the days tale to my mom and she said not mecca but GEKKA..........great.
Posted by blogmuse at
11:20 AM
