About Me Welcome to my online
journal about me and my life in general.
The following is a poem written by my amazing 12 year old son...that's right he is 12...
I am a crazy boy with a clarinet I wonder when the world will end I hear them coming I see the sky falling I want it not to happen ever I am a crazy boy with a clarinet
I pretend the world is fine I feel no hatred or turmoil I touch life all around I worry about the planet I cry because I can I am crazy boy with a clarinet
I understand the world is full of hatred I say peace can be achieved I dream of a hateless planet I try to help my home I hope the end will never come I am a crazy boy with a clarinet
Posted by blogmuse at
8:04 AM

Check out the May issue of Playboy if you want to see what the average American housewife and mother looks like. Don't believe me see for your self. She is blonde, tall, built, and in perfect shape. Even the ones that have had 4 children. WOW! What must I be doing wrong...I sure don't look like that. Oh wait... I know, I have not had breast implants or liposuction....I can't go to the gym 7 days a week and most of all I don't have a room full of editors air brushing my flaws away. Do the husbands that "read" this issue think of that....no....they think DAMN why can't my wife look like that??? Amazingly enough there are some of these men that will actually ask their wives "why don't you look like that? " (this coming from a balding overweight middle aged man that does not know what the inside of a gym is) and sadly these men will live to see another day because many of their wives already have low self esteem. Where are the "real" wives and mothers...the 40 somethings that have added a few pounds and are out of shape...the ones that make sure you have a clean shirt every day, the ones that make sure you have dinner in the evening, the ones that make sure your children taken here and there, the ones that do all this and hold down a full time job??
Playboy is what it is and for the last 60 years it has been a cutting edge magazine. Great acticles (yes, articles) and pictorials. Who doesn't like to look at beautiful women. We all know they are not "real" in the sense that you are going to ever see them walking down the street looking like that (and if you think you will guys..WAKE UP) It is an impossible ideal. This is for the men out there that think there wives should look like these women....GET A GRIP....when you look like Brad Pitt call us back and we might listen.
Posted by blogmuse at
12:15 PM

Unless you have lived in a cave for the last few years or you are over the age of 65 you are familiar with blogs. They are fun, stupid, thought provoking, boring or amazingly fascinating, they are about the cutting edge news of today or John Q's toenail clippings. So..... you may ask yourself what makes blogmuse any different? Nothing. It will be what I have to say on any given subject. It may never light the world on fire but I promise it will be entertaining. Some days it will be funny, others.... well, probably not. Some days I will rant, others I will state my point quietly. It will be about nothing or everything. Kinda like Seinfeld was for sitcoms. Come visit often, if you like what you read pass it on ...if you don't like what you read pass it on because the next person might. Who knows I might just become your favorite blogger.
Posted by blogmuse at
7:04 AM
